Scott's Thoughts

Word Study: The Wrath of God

What is the wrath of God, and can a Christian incur God's wrath? Believe it or not, it is an ongoing and fairly common question for believers to ask. In this article, we will lightly explore the meaning of the phrase "the wrath of God" and see if that applies to the lives of Christians.

Pastor Scott
April 25, 2024
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The Contradictions of Christianity

Would you be surprised to learn that Christianity is loaded with many contradictions? What do you do when your aspects of your faith do not act in accordance with logic and reason?

Pastor Scott
February 22, 2024

On Sickness and Loss

Often, devotionals are to provide inspiration and encouragement. They can function as a type of spiritual or emotional pick-me-up. But occasionally, all that comes from the depths is a lament. Today's devo falls in that category. My prayer is that these words speak to you.

Pastor Scott
February 15, 2024

Going the Extra Mile

We often conflate the word longsuffering with patience. But longsuffering possesses a quality that goes far beyond the limits of mere patience. Longsuffering is a willingness to go the extra mile even for the more difficult people in your life.

Pastor Scott
February 8, 2024

Does Freedom from Addiction Exist?

There's addiction and then there's addiction. If you know, you know. Some people's addiction looks like an everyday bad habit that needs a swift kick in the pants. But some people are bound in heavy chains they have carried for years. Here's some hope for the hopeless.

Pastor Scott
February 1, 2024

What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?

Ever asked, "What IS a Christian anyway?" What is it that makes one a real Christian? Do you just simply start saying you're a Christian? Or do you have to go through some rituals? Hopefully this primer will help you sort some stuff out.

Pastor Scott
January 25, 2024

The Principle of Body Stewardship

I wrote a number of years ago on something I labeled body stewardship. In short, you are not the owner of your body. Its true owner holds you to provide care for that in which you possess. Considering the state of health in our world, it seems we have work to do.

Pastor Scott
January 18, 2024

The Problem with Being Rich

North America is rich. Filthy rich. Sounds like a great life! Turns out that true satisfaction and contentment don't come from possessions or wealth. But a rich person would rather lose an eye than lose the cash. Whatever can they do?

Pastor Scott
January 11, 2024

My Favourite Books of 2023

Here they are; my favourite books of 2023. Sorry, no novels or fiction on this list, but a wide array of goodies from funny to controversial. Enjoy!

Pastor Scott
January 4, 2024
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